Holding on to excess weight


Yo-Yo dieting has become almost the norm for American society. We go on a diet, lose some weight and get into a “health kick”. We feel good! It is hard to maintain, though, due to restrictions, time and life in general. Many of us slide back into old routines and eventually back to our old weight if not even gaining a little more than where we first started. It can be a frustrating experience.   Excess weight can be influenced by a number of factors including nutrition, environment, lifestyle, hormone levels and even by inner beliefs we may or may not know we hold. According to … [Read more...]

Flower Power – Healing through Nature with Bach Flower Remedies


Though it is not known exactly when the use of tinctures in natural medicine began, Bach Flower remedies have been around since the 1930’s. Dr. Edward Bach, a British Physician is responsible for their creation. Bach Flower Remedies consist of a collection of 38 different tinctures made by extracting the essence of a plants or flowers by using an alcohol based solution. The 38 tinctures were specially created to match and counteract the 38 negative states of mind. These resulting liquids are very powerful and concentrated. Each plant has been found to have their own specific medicinal uses … [Read more...]

What is an Inner Child?

inner child

We have all been children. That is a fact. That child may have gone through negative issues such as disappointments, rejections, abuse, neglect, and embarrassment. He/she also has had wonderful, positive experiences such as happiness, pride in reaching goals, a doting parent, and other cheerful moments. These experiences, both challenging and uplifting, have helped to shape you as an adult. Your inner child is, in essence, the child that you were and who is still a part of your daily life. That child might have held on to parts of the past that you, as an adult, maybe have tried to forget or … [Read more...]