Guy’s Guide To Slim Trim Grilling


The summer months mean it’s time for the guys to put on their aprons and dust off the grill. It seems all men are in their element with charcoal and spatula. Summer is also a time we want to slim down as we replace the sweaters and coats with shorts and bathing suits. So guys how can you get those flat abs back and still enjoy the back yard BBQ? It’s easy! Choose lean proteins. Not only do high fat meats add unwanted calories they also can have a negative effect on heart health. Instead of choosing high fat meats like ribs, sausage and prime rib choose leaner cuts. Try salmon, shrimp … [Read more...]

Power Yoga for Swimsuit Season


As part of your workout regimen to get ready for swimsuit season, why not try a vigorous form of yoga called power yoga? Power yoga, or power vinyasa, yoga, is a flowing series of postures, or asanas, linked together one to the next through the breath. Because you are moving through the poses at a quicker pace than other forms of yoga, you can burn up to 500 calories or more in an hour-long practice! Most people don’t think of yoga as a way to help you lose weight, but practicing power yoga helps build a swimsuit-ready body in the following ways: 1) Power yoga utilizes a type of breathing … [Read more...]

Slim Down with your Spouse – Fun Summer Activities


Summer is here and NOW is the time to enjoy the wonderful weather.  Who else better to enjoy it with?  Your spouse!  Life is getting busier and busier and our relationships seem to be more and more strained. Have you heard about couples having "date night"?  Well what about "daytime date" or "fitness fun"? As we get older, we seem to make things more complex than they really are.  What about the good old days when we were kids and "played" with simple things like Frisbees?  Do you remember how much fun a Frisbee can be? There is a rapidly growing sport activity called disc golf.   It's a … [Read more...]

June 2012 Letter from the Editor – Summer Slimdown & Men’s Health

beach fitness

Hi eFitFamily Readers! Thank you for staying connected with us!  We are enjoying the sunshine with tips for slimming down this summer and men’s health. We continue to bring simple steps to help you live healthier every single day.  Whether you are determined to trim down for your favorite new swimsuit, feel the energetic benefits of exercise and healthy nutrition, or reduce health risks, we strive to provide information and inspiration for overall health.  Enjoy quality family time as the school year ends and explore more healthy lifestyle choices with us!  Happy Summer! :) … [Read more...]