Laughter & Its Benefits on the Body


We all know that feeling we get when we have a giggling fit, laugh with friends, or even see something funny on Facebook that makes us guffaw. What you are feeling is a physiological change in your body. With laughter, your body releases hormones and uses muscles that benefit your body and mind. Laughter has recently been compared to the positive effects that exercise has on the body. Many studies have been conducted on this topic, all concluding the same results. Here is how laughter helps your body and mind: Overall wellbeing: laughter has been shown to release endorphins, just like … [Read more...]

Wellness Classes Help Your Child with Confidence

wellness classes

Every generation has its own struggles. Our current, youngest generation is growing up in a world surrounded by social media and technology. With a gadget at every turn, one can lose one’s self in the constant inundation of images, videos, and social media comments. These are issues that previous generations did not have to confront while growing up. In addition to these outside influences, children still need to go through the same self-discovery and growing up stages that all generations in years past had to do. With the additional stressors, it is important that children have the confidence … [Read more...]

What is an Inner Child?

inner child

We have all been children. That is a fact. That child may have gone through negative issues such as disappointments, rejections, abuse, neglect, and embarrassment. He/she also has had wonderful, positive experiences such as happiness, pride in reaching goals, a doting parent, and other cheerful moments. These experiences, both challenging and uplifting, have helped to shape you as an adult. Your inner child is, in essence, the child that you were and who is still a part of your daily life. That child might have held on to parts of the past that you, as an adult, maybe have tried to forget or … [Read more...]