Wellness Classes Help Your Child with Confidence

wellness classes

Every generation has its own struggles. Our current, youngest generation is growing up in a world surrounded by social media and technology. With a gadget at every turn, one can lose one’s self in the constant inundation of images, videos, and social media comments. These are issues that previous generations did not have to confront while growing up. In addition to these outside influences, children still need to go through the same self-discovery and growing up stages that all generations in years past had to do. With the additional stressors, it is important that children have the confidence … [Read more...]

Yoga Classes Build Strength & Flexibility

yoga classes

Trainers and coaches from many disciplines of physical fitness look to yoga classes for additional strength and flexibility. Most gym-related strength training shortens muscles through weight lifting and repetitions. Over time, this continual contracting of the muscles reduces movement of the joint. By incorporating yoga training into their routine, these athletes can begin to heal the muscle through lengthening and flexibility. Yoga postures require you to hold your own body weight, which will build muscle. It is not the type of muscle that a bodybuilder is trying to achieve through … [Read more...]

Recovery Yoga Helps Those with Addiction

recovery yoga

Since 1939, those with addictions have been able to utilize the 12-step program to heal themselves of their addiction. Recovery yoga works with both the 12-step method and yoga as a holistic approach to addressing the multi-dimensional self.  In essence, addiction tends to “separate” the self from ourselves and those around us. Yoga is a discipline that unionizes the self physically, mentally and spiritually. In addition to those individuals who are battling through mental or physical addictions, those who are affected by someone going through an addiction can benefit from recovery yoga. … [Read more...]

Laughter Yoga: Laugh Your Way to Happiness

laughter yoga

Laughter yoga is taking center stage in the world of integrative services. When was the last time you had a really good laugh? The kind that almost makes you cry? Do you remember how good you felt after that laughter? It is scientifically proven that laughter releases the “feel good” hormone endorphins. Laughter yoga classes have popped up all over the country because of the health benefits it gives its participants. Your brain does not recognize the difference between organic laughter and purposeful laughter. You are able to laugh without a joke or anything silly occurring. Since laughter … [Read more...]