Yoga Classes Help to Reduce Stress

yoga classes

Your kids are crying, the house is a mess, and your cell phone is ringing because your boss needs a project completed today. Stress is all around us. It is important for your overall health to find a way to reduce stress in a healthy manner. We cannot eliminate stressors completely, but managing and releasing it from the body can create a more peaceful life for you. Yoga classes can help. There are countless studies on the health benefits of exercise. Not only does it increase your metabolism, trim your waistline, and tone your muscles, it also improves your mental health. Yoga is a type of … [Read more...]

Transformational Breath®

Breathe breath woman fresh calm deep air

"Transformational Breath® is a powerful self-healing breath work modality that integrates and heals on every level of our being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Using a FULL connected breathing pattern Transformational Breath brings awareness and life-force into the entire body, clears mental tapes, integrates suppressed feelings (imprints) stored in the subconscious, and enhances the connection to and experience of Presence. The intentions of Transformational Breath are multifaceted and begin with the facilitator’s intention to support the overall intentions of the process, … [Read more...]

New Year, New Beginning…

new year

Wishing you health, happiness, and healing in 2016 (and safe celebrations tonight!)! As you bring in the New Year, we invite you to join us in reflection... 1. What do you need to release as 2015 comes to an end? (What no longer serves you?) 2. What do you intend to bring more into your life in 2016? Join Peggy Sealfon for her New Year's Intentions Workshop Saturday January 9, 2016, 9:30-11am. This is our very special January Inner Spa Day for the Mind. More details below; please call to register (239) 325-9210.  (Included with Frequent Flyer Monthly Memberships!) All of … [Read more...]

Redefining LOVE


Love is in the air...and we continue to gently and lovingly confront many social stigmas, from therapy is only for "those" people with issues to Valentine's day is only for couples! :) In honor of this month of LOVE, we ask... What is your passion in life? How are you living your life in alignment with that passion?             (Or how can you be in closer alignment?) Which qualities do you LOVE about yourself? Which qualities within yourself are you willing to embrace with more sensitivity and acceptance? What fears or past residue block love in your life and need to be … [Read more...]