Laughter Yoga: Laugh Your Way to Happiness

laughter yoga

Laughter yoga is taking center stage in the world of integrative services. When was the last time you had a really good laugh? The kind that almost makes you cry? Do you remember how good you felt after that laughter? It is scientifically proven that laughter releases the “feel good” hormone endorphins. Laughter yoga classes have popped up all over the country because of the health benefits it gives its participants. Your brain does not recognize the difference between organic laughter and purposeful laughter. You are able to laugh without a joke or anything silly occurring. Since laughter … [Read more...]

Corporate Wellness: Keep your Employees Happy

corporate wellness

You have hired and retain your employees because of their skill sets, their commitment to your company and the dedication to their work. There are many stressors in the workplace, but each employee also has a personal life that they have to balance as well. Between the two, your workers are juggling a lot of stressors. Corporate wellness programs have sprung up over the last decade to help their employees handle both the physical and emotional toll that working full time can bring. Many companies will have small get-togethers and parties during the holidays to show their appreciation for … [Read more...]

Tibetan Bowls Sound Therapy

Tibetan Bowls

The use of sound therapy has been used for thousands of years for healing the body and overall wellness. The vibrations of Tibetan and crystal bowls can help to bring your body’s vibrational energies back to a “normal” state.  This is called entrainment which shifts our brainwave state. Throughout the day and night, our brainwaves go through many changes. The “singing bowls” as they are sometimes called, emits a stable tone, which our brainwaves can then attune to. This “stabilization” is very soothing and assists in meditation and the ability for you to “downshift” into a very relaxed … [Read more...]

Qi-Gong Benefits

Close-up shot of elderly woman doing stretching workout at yoga class. Women practicing yoga at health club.
** Note: Shallow depth of field

Just some of the benefits of Qigong: Loosens Muscles and Builds Power Strengthens the Organs Improves Cardio-pulmonary Function Strengthens the Nerves Improves Vascular Function Helps Prevent Injury to Joints, Ligaments and Bones Speeds Recovery Time from Injuries and Operations Builds Athletic and Martial Arts Power Eases Stress and Balances Emotions For more benefits, see this fabulous article: … [Read more...]