For the last several years there has been a lot of intense discussion, controversy and disagreement amongst bodybuilders, trainers, nutritionists and coaches within the fitness industry regarding whether avid exercisers looking to decrease body fat, while gaining/maintaining muscle,should utilize a zero-carb approach to dieting for the best results (also known as a “keto diet”). As a professional natural bodybuilder myself who has prepared for about twenty competitions, as well as one that has coached hundreds of clients, at all levels, whose main goal was to strip off fat without losing … [Read more...]

Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone

Now days we all have become creatures of habit. We all get into a comfort zone and dislike the thought of change for the simple fact that we believe it will cause disorder. Change can present us with improved opportunities in life and it is a must to step out of that comfort zone in order to improve and progress in life. I have always said that something seems so difficult it must then build character. Fitness for mom’s can seem like an added task to their never ending agenda. This very aspect is where the problem lies. If we have an outlook on exercise as a choir then we will never truly … [Read more...]


Rope skipping has become a popular exercise, for it is simple, fun, convenient, inexpensive, and good for fitness. What’s more, rope skipping has other functions of keeping healthy. It could improve heart and lung functions, allowing the blood to get more oxygen to maintain a strong and healthy cardio vascular system, improve balance, agility, increase muscular strength and endurance and burn calories. Rope skipping is just the right mix of high –impact and high intensity exercise, making it one of the best calorie-burning exercises.  On average, 150lb-pound person will burn about 125 … [Read more...]

Interval Training for Fat Loss

We have always been told that we have to burn fat as fuel to see any results in losing weight. We are told to exercise in our “fat burning zone” to burn fat as fuel. Exercise Physiologist Dr Jarrod Meerkin, a spokesperson for Exercise and Sports Science Australia,  says it doesn’t matter what type of fuel we are burning i.e. carbohydrates or fat, more importantly is the number of kilojoules burnt. Interval training is the most productive method of burning more kilojoules. Meekin says that all forms of cardio exercise are beneficial for weight loss but alternating sprints with a slower pace … [Read more...]