Parenting Support Group: Uplift, Learn, Share


Being a parent has many challenges. There isn’t a manual to tell you what to do and sometimes you need to rely on your own sense as a parent to make judgments. As children grow, so do you as a parent. These phases in life can be stressful and difficult for everyone in the family. Reaching out for parenting support group can help you in the daily life as a parent. Just like any job, there are certain skills in being a positive parent and role model to your child. Not everyone has the skills passed on from their parents, so a support group is ideal for anyone who is struggling with the stress … [Read more...]

Play Therapy Helps Children Communicate Feelings

play therapy

Children express emotions and communicate through play. It is fun for them. Children learn a lot through play such as self-expression, creativity, exploration, how to combat boredom, and connects them to others in a positive manner. Sitting in a chair, sharing their feelings, and expressing emotions through talk therapy can be a difficult task for children. Play therapy provides a safe, familiar form of communication between a child and his therapist. By the time a child is being seen in a therapist’s office he has exhausted all known coping methods. The ultimate goal of play therapy is to … [Read more...]

Recovery Yoga Helps Those with Addiction

recovery yoga

Since 1939, those with addictions have been able to utilize the 12-step program to heal themselves of their addiction. Recovery yoga works with both the 12-step method and yoga as a holistic approach to addressing the multi-dimensional self.  In essence, addiction tends to “separate” the self from ourselves and those around us. Yoga is a discipline that unionizes the self physically, mentally and spiritually. In addition to those individuals who are battling through mental or physical addictions, those who are affected by someone going through an addiction can benefit from recovery yoga. … [Read more...]

Life Coaches Provide Direction

life coaches

Do you feel stuck in your career or where you are in your life? It is not unusual for people, even those extremely successful, to need help in finding their purpose. Life coaches are trained to assist those who desire a clearer direction for their life. If you wanted to get optimal physical results from your workouts in the gym, you would hire a professional fitness trainer. If you need help in honing your life, you would hire a life coach. Their goals are the same. They want you to achieve the results that you desire. They both give you the knowledge you need and they both hold you … [Read more...]