Tibetan Bowls Sing Your Body into Healthy Vibrations

Tibetan bowls

It is scientifically proven that all matter vibrates. Some vibrate at higher frequencies, while others vibrate at lower levels. This is its resonant frequency. Every part of your body, including your cells, tissues, bones, and organs have a resonant frequency. When it is out of sync with its normal level, that is when the body has a dis-ease. Maintaining and/or restoring your body’s natural vibrational level is key to good health. This is where the Tibetan Bowls come into play. While the gong is one of the oldest instruments, the Tibetan bowls accomplish the same outcome in the body. The … [Read more...]

Positive Behavior Family Program in Naples

positive behavior

Is there such a thing as the “perfect” family? No, there is not. Families are composed of different personalities all working together to create a life that is successful and happy. Sometimes, those personalities do not interact well with each other. Other times, external influences can create discord between family members. The key to living free of a stressful family life is by communicating and working together through situations and personality differences. When this becomes difficult, a family program that encourages positive behavior is beneficial to everyone involved. A positive … [Read more...]

Sand Tray Therapy Taps into Your Sub-Conscious

sand tray

Sand tray therapy, a non-verbal type of mental health therapy, was developed in England by Dr. Margaret Lowenfeld in the 1920’s. It was found that through the use of miniature toys, sand, and water, clients were able to creatively express emotions, thoughts, and experiences. They could choose from a variety of toys to create the “world” in the sand tray that helped to tell their story. This method of therapy was found to be especially helpful to children since expressing themselves through words can be challenging. Even though children found this method fun, it is also very helpful to … [Read more...]

Support Group Helps Those with Diabetes

support group

Getting any kind of bad news is hard to handle, but when it concerns your own health, the emotions can become overwhelming. The challenges to managing your diabetes such as lifestyle modifications and dietary restrictions can be daunting. Having a support group filled with people that understand the trials and tribulations of all types of diabetes can tremendously help someone afflicted with this disease. Support groups help to encourage participants in the transition and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. It is important to know that you are not alone and a support group can give you the … [Read more...]