Play Therapy Helps Children Communicate Feelings

play therapy

Children express emotions and communicate through play. It is fun for them. Children learn a lot through play such as self-expression, creativity, exploration, how to combat boredom, and connects them to others in a positive manner. Sitting in a chair, sharing their feelings, and expressing emotions through talk therapy can be a difficult task for children. Play therapy provides a safe, familiar form of communication between a child and his therapist. By the time a child is being seen in a therapist’s office he has exhausted all known coping methods. The ultimate goal of play therapy is to … [Read more...]

Panic Attacks: Get Relief Through Yoga

panic attacks

Our society places a lot of pressure on us in regards to work, family life, and our self-image which creates stress. This stress can manifest itself into physical and mental ailments if you carry it for too long or take on too much in your life. Anxiety brought on by stress can range from mild to debilitating. Some individuals experience extreme cases of panic attacks brought on by stress that limits their life incredibly. Panic attacks involve cases of overwhelming anxiety. When a panic attack occurs, it can escalate quickly and can make the individual feel physical and mental symptoms. … [Read more...]

Which Type of Counseling is Right for You?


In the field of psychotherapy, there are many modalities. For those seeking counseling, finding the right method that works for them is crucial. Sometimes it is just a matter of trying out the different styles to see which one you connect with. Here are the various types of counseling that you will find here at Monarch Wellness. Talk Therapy: By far the most popular counseling style, and one that many people recognize, is talk therapy. This method involves the client talking about his or her issues and concerns to the therapist. After a few sessions, the counselor can get a clear picture … [Read more...]

Journey Of Life


I like to imagine the journey of life to be similar to traveling down a long road with your values at the end, with many detours on the way. I also like to think of this as the human body and what I try and teach every day. Deep within our body located on our backbone are our core muscles. These are the muscles that support our frame. Although we can’t see them they are our base of support. A strong core provides stability and balance, the greater the stability of the centre, the more powerful the muscles of the arms and legs can contract. Let’s now adapt this to your emotional strength. If … [Read more...]